About us

Open the door to a unique experience with our products in depth with PliPureRich.

The Company

PliPureRich was founded with a passion for creating luxurious and natural skincare products.

Which helps you feel relaxed and love taking care of yourself. Our commitment to using natural extracts and Thai herbs along with new innovations makes us a market leader. We are committed to creating new things to meet the needs of our customers continuously.

We also have a desire to elevate Thai herbs to be known worldwide.

Our Value

PliPureRich discovered a passion for creating natural and Thai herbal skincare products. Our commitment to using the finest ingredients and innovative formulations sets us apart in the market by offering attractive and high-quality products to all our customers.


In our health and beauty business, we focus on using natural extracts and Thai herbs as our main extracts, which have scientific research results. Moreover, we want to elevate Thai herbs to be known around the world and create long-term skin confidence based on the Self-Love & Self-Care Concept.


Meet PliPureRich's consultant, Lt. Col. Pailin Santisiri and Product Research & Development. She is a doctor with knowledge and expertise in Thai herbs and has experience in treating patients without using chemotherapy. She is also a leader in research and development of beauty products and supplements for over 15 years. She is an expert in formulating and innovating using herbs and extracts from around the world. She focuses on using natural substances to nourish the skin and cares about the health of consumers.
40,000+ Happy Customers

40,000+ Happy Customers

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12 Awards Won

12 Awards Won

Due to this, there is a problem in reprehendering people in the future, and there is a lot of problems in the world.
16 Years of Experiences

16 Years of Experiences

In the past few weeks, we have done a lot of work to reduce the burden of labor.

Company PliPureRich

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